Dusko Todorovic

"Tehnosint" d.o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 12:00 - 15:00
DescriptionWithin the framework of the Tehnosint group, the company is involved in the production of PVC and aluminum windows and doors, and other aluminum products such as glass facades, winter gardens and other aluminum constructions. Within the window and door production sector, we have focused on the production of specific aluminum positions, such as the hidden wings, as well as the winter gardens that require exceptional precision in the design. From the very founding of the company, innovation and meeting the needs of the most demanding customers are the priority of work and business development, with fulfillment of all the conditions of energy efficiency. Production is organized on the 1,500 m2 production plant and takes place on modern automatic line plants " URBAN ". We have CNC machining center that provides full automation, as well as the quality of the final product. Introducing safe manufacturers of PVC and aluminum carpentry and other systems modern construction, and it is confirmed by numerous references and satisfied customers.
Organization Type Company
CityLaktasi, Episkopa Platona 30 Google map
Areas of Activities

Sector of metal processing industry