
Marko Knežević

Knežević Entering doo

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 12:00 - 15:00
DescriptionDistribucija materijala i izvođenje radova: - podne obloge (parketi, laminati, PVC, tekstil...); - fasadni sistemi ETICS; - premazi, ljepila, boje i lakovi u građevinarstvu; - protivpožarna zaštita konstrukcija (metal, beton, drvo)
Distribution of materials and Installation services: - floor covering (parquet, laminate, PVC, textile ...); - ETICS facade systems; - coatings, adhesives, paints and varnishes in construction; - anti-fire protection of structures (metal, concrete, wood)
Organization Type Company
CityLaktaši, Cara Dušana 137 b Google map
Areas of Activities

Sector of timber and building industry

    Offer & Request

    Business cooperation

    Zainteresovani smo za dvosmjernu saradnju sa investitorima, građevinskim kompanijama i distributerima na svim tržištima.

    We are interested in two-way cooperation with investors, construction companies and distributors in all markets.

    Keywords: constructionflooringparquetfacadeparketpodovifasade
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. Manufacturing agreement
    3. Sales / Distribution
    4. Investment/Financing
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. License agreement
    3. Manufacturing agreement
    4. Sales / Distribution
    5. Investment/Financing