Milan Zecevic

"Drvo-obrada" d.o.o. Brod

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 12:00 - 15:00
Description"Drvo-obrada" d.o.o. is the family owned company (small - up to 10 employes), that produces high quality wooden products - wooden windows, interior and exterior doors, stairs etc. We export 80% of our yearly production to EU market - mostly Germany, Austria and Croatia. We have tested our products at the accredited laboratories, and gain CE mark. 
Organization Type Company
CityBrod, Posavska 19 Google map
Areas of Activities

Sector of timber and building industry

    Offer & Request

    Export of wooden joinery (doors, interior and exterior windows, stairs) to EU market

    We, from "Drvo-obrada" are looking for new bussines partners that would help us to find new market and buyers in EU countries. We are looking for small and medium sized contruction companies that build new ones and renovate existing houses and buildings. We are looking for parnters that would buy our products and sell them to EU market.

    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution