Đorđe Milišić

Unis Institut doo

Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 12:00 - 15:00
DescriptionProjektovanje, legalizacije već izgrađenih objekata, stručna pomoć i organizacija pri dobijanju svih neophodnih dozvola i saglasnosti. Sektor ekologije, izdavanje ekoloških dozvola, ispitivanje kvaliteta otpadnih voda, zemljišta. Analize i druga stručna mišljenja te izrade tehnoloških projekata. Sektor zaštite na radu i zaštite od požara.

Design, legalization of already constructed objects, professional help and organization during acquiring all necessary permissions and consents. Ecology sector: ecology license issuing, wastewater quality examination, land...Analysis and other professional opinions, as well as project designing. Safety at work and fire protection sector. 

Organization Type Company
Phone057 378 180; 057 378 188
CityIstočno Sarajevo, Svetosavska O2 Google map
Areas of Activities

Agriculture sector

    Sector of metal processing industry

      Sector of timber and building industry

        Textile sector

          Sector of the automotive industry

            IT sector

              Industrial sector of plastics and plastic products

                Tourism sector

                  Offer & Request

                  Projektovanje, legalizacije i konsalting/ Design, legalization and Consulting

                  Unis Institut je firma koja je organizovana kroz sledeće sektore:
                  1. Urbanizam, projektovanje i legalizacija
                  2. Laboratorijska ispitivanja i ekološki monitoring
                  3. Zaštita na radu i zaštita od požara
                  4. Konsultantske usluge i nadzor nad građevinskim projektima
                  To nam omogućava da svojim partnerima uvijek možemo ponuditi sveobuhvatnu i povoljnu ponudu, te ih pratiti kroz njihov rad i razvoj. O nama najbolje govori dosadašnji rad, zadovoljni klijenti i referenc lista poslova i projekata.
                  Nudimo profesionalnu saradnju svim firmama i preduzećima, bilo kog ranga (mala, srednja i velika) koja žele da unaprijede svoj biznis, poboljšaju proizvodnju i prate sve evropske propise i standarde, te tako sa svojim proizvodom izađu i na međunarodno tržište.

                  UNIS Institute is a company which is organized through following sectors:
                  1. Urban planning, design and legalization
                  2. Laboratory testing and ecological monitoring
                  3. Safety at work and fire protection
                  4. Consulting services and construction process supervision
                  This makes us able to always have comprehensive and accessible offer for all our clients, as well as to follow them through their work and development. Our work so far, our satisfied clients and reference list of jobs and clients best speak about us.
                  We offer professional cooperation to all companies, of any range (small, medium, big), who want to improve their business, upgrade their production and follow all European regulations and standards, and with that go into the international market with their products.

                  Keywords: www.unis-institut.comunisinstitut.direktor@gmail.com0038765524121057378180
                  Cooperation Offered
                  1. Other
                  2. Investment/Financing
                  3. License agreement
                  4. Technical co-operation
                  5. Outsourcing co-operation
                  Cooperation Requested
                  1. Other
                  2. Investment/Financing
                  3. License agreement
                  4. Technical co-operation
                  5. Outsourcing co-operation