Igor Dragutinović


Bilateral Meetings

  • Friday 12:00 - 15:00
DescriptionDESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTION - Designing and performing works on building construction facilities - Designing and performing works on hydrotechnical structures (water and sewage system) - Designing and performing works on civil engineering facilities (roads) - Designing and performing works in the field of power generation (hydro power plants) - Works on landfills for municipal and other waste - Projects of exterior decoration - Designing and performing works on mechanical installations PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION - Professional supervision of performing building construction facilities - Professional supervision of performing hydro construction facilities - Professional supervision of performing civil engineering facilities - Professional supervision of performing electrical works - Professional supervision of performing works on mechanical installations CONSULTING SERVICES - Consulting services in designing and construction - Consulting services in designing and construction of hydraulic structures and mini hydropower plants facilities - Tender documentation and offers analyses
Organization Type Company
CityEast Sarajevo, Jovana Dučića 16 Google map
Areas of Activities

Sector of timber and building industry